About Me
I've been interested in the workings of machines ever since I was a baby
- feeding cookies to the VCR to see if the pretty pictures would
show up on the TV again. When I was 10 years old, I learned Java because I wanted
to learn how to mod Minecraft. I only went as far as implementing a glowy version
of the dirt block before I figured, "Wait - I can do lots more with this
than crummy old Minecraft mods!" The rest is history.
Outside of programming, my interests include digital art, music production,
physics, or anything that's interesting enough. They vary from time
to time, but whatever my current interest is, I go deep in learning what it is and
how it works. A particular driving force for me is to envision how I might replicate
or improve on something I see in the world, even if I don't have the skills at the time.